Greetings Everyone! I'm writing newsletters that have something to do with all of the songs that I have written. Let's take a look at the spiritual meanings of each song so that when you listen you can get more out of the song and its message. I hope you find deeper meaning from the comments and the music!!! Now that Spring is here, it's a good time to refocus on what you are thankful for (aren't you glad winter is over?)! How do you do this? It's easy…. Sometime during the course of your day, make a conscious choice to think about all of the blessings you possess. It's great to say the list out loud because "speaking the word" creates more energy, more power to help yourself get closer to God and minister to others. It's best to start your day this way. Take several minutes to get quiet. Getting quiet gets you in a spiritual frame-of-mind to meet the day's challenges. I call this my "golden glow time". When I totally let go, feel, and listen to the Holy Spirit within me, I literally feel myself surounded with a peace that permiates every atom of my being. I try to sustain this feeling throughout the day no matter what circumstances arise. Want to accomplish a thankful heart? Here is one way: Get totally relaxed by telling your body to relax. Just let go of all thoughts. Once you feel your mind is relatively quiet, begin to name blessing after blessing and tell God that you are thankful for each of them… Father (God), thank You for my eyesight, for my ability to walk(my knee went out 3-31-08 could you please pray for speedy healing?), to talk, to sing, to laugh, to taste, to think, to love, to be loved, to hear, to feel Your love, etc. etc…then stop and imagine what your life would be like if you didn't have any of these blessings! By being thankful you'll open up your heart, mind and soul to the Holy Spirit. With enough practice you'll feel the power of the Spirit surge throughout your being! Now, focus on the way you feel. Allow this feeling to envelop you. When you do this, over time, that feeling will not only develop but it'll become a habitual state of mind. This will give you spiritual energy to draw on throughout the day! Our God is a being of opulent abundance. He shares all of His Treasures with us His children. In order to obtain (claim/feel) and experience these Treasures, we need to consciously affirm (speak) them and allow ourselves to feel the grateful feelings that are created by alligning our thinking with God who indwells us. Do you have a problem (challenge) that causes you concern and "appears" to be robbing you of your energy? Here are some thoughts to help you: Imagine having this same challenge without being able to see, hear, walk or talk! Do you feel better now? Of course you do because you just realized what blessings you have to help you. Challenges or problems are nothing more than opportunities to tap into and witness the working of the Holy Spirit helping you through! Jesus promised He'd always be with us! But, do you really believe that He is? If not, go read some scripture passages that lift up your spirit (your feelings) and allow that feeling to reignite your mind to a more faith-filled state. That is correct thinking! Remember, the more you say"THANK YOU LORD" the more your spirit connects with the Spirit of God. This allows you to let the Holy Spirit "lift you up" by illuminating the "darkness" (usually incorrrect thinking) in your life. When your mind is elevated to upward, spirit-filled thinking, the possibilities are endless and you are cooperating with God's creative, healing energy that is constantly working on your behalf! God sees even the smallest things that concern you and has the answers you need to lift you up over the apparent obstacles and move you through the day, the week…and, your life! This is what the title track of my my most recent CD, THANK YOU LORD, is about. It's a payer to release the appreciation we all have within. These "thank yous" please God very much and they open your mind to receive the good God has in store for you each and every day! The thankful heart is closest to the creative forces of God who runs the universe. Stack the deck in your favor by thinking of and speaking of what you are thankful for often. And, if you need help with the words just say: Thank you Lord, thank you for giving to me, so many blessings, that counting them is an impossibility….! May God Bless You beyond your fondest dreams! Love & Peace from Paul P.S. Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. Romans 12:2 – Change your attitude to that of thanksgiving at all times and you'll experience a greater degree of peace! This is the refreshing. Isaiah 28:12 – When you choose to think good thoughts you become refreshed, the choice is up to you. Stop and be thankful for your blessings and imagine what your life would be like without that blessing and say; this is the refreshing!!!

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